Art Nouveau Necklace

The curves of Art Nouveau are a joy to recreate in wire. So, using this as my inspiration, I thought I’d create a beautiful necklace.
To make this I’ve used copper wire in 1.25 and 0.4mm diameters, 2mm beads in copper and amethyst, and a chain and clasp. To make the shape I’ve used a template that I created from a line drawing online ages ago (unfortunately, I can’t find the source now). The full A4 sheet is reproduced here, if you want to print it off to use.
Making the Frame
The frame needs two pieces of 1.25mm diameter wire. I’ve estimate the lengths needed to be 45cm and 16cm, but I’d recommend cutting slightly longer lengths just in case!
1. Pinch the centre of the longer piece with flat nose pliers to create an angle.
2. Place this on the centre point of the template, and shape the wire to fit the the template. Use fingers for this where possible for more natural curves.
3. Shape the shorter wire in the same way
4. Hammer the wire to work harden, and flatten if desired. To avoid hammering where the wires cross, open out the back arms of the frame ‘like a door’ and hammer each part before replacing and hammering the outermost curves
5. Place the shorter wire into position, mainly in front of the first, except the very ends which should go through the frame to sit at the back.
6. Tack the frame wires together to hold temporarily
Adding Beads and Finishing
The beads are wrapped onto the frame with the 0.4mm diameter wire that will also be used to fix the frame together. It is useful to add the beads before finally fixing the frame to allow for any adjustments to the position of the frame wires.
7. Leaving an end of 10cm or so of wrapping wire, make three wraps on the frame. Add a bead then make three more wraps. Continue adding beads in this way along the length of that part of the frame.
8. Where the wires cross, wrap around both wires twice.
9. Wrap the next part of the frame down to where a bead will fit into the frame, then add beads in the same manner as before.
10. Continue filling the frame with beads as desired.
11. Bind the crossover areas with the left ends of wrapping wire.
12. Trim the wire ends in the centre of the piece, create small loops, and bind to the frame
13. Trim the outer wire ends and create loops.
14. Attach the chain and clasp.