Four ways to take inspiration from Autumn

That crispness in the morning air tells you the seasons are on the turn and Autumn is arriving. I find it is a truly inspiring season, but how can you make the most of this inspiration?
My top tip would be to take a walk in the early morning (preferably on a dry day!) and head down to your nearest green space, whether that is your local park, woodland or riverside. Take a camera with you and take pictures of everything you find inspiring. Here are four things to look out for:
1. Colours
For me, Autumn is packed full of colour inspiration. Whilst the general tone is perfect for copper creations, it is the variations that I love. Look at both individual leaves, and stands of trees, taking note each of the colours and how they blend together. If you’re ever in any doubt about whether colours will work together, nature is a brilliant guide!
2. Shapes
Leaves, berries, nuts and seeds can all provide shape inspiration. And for these, it is worth paying particular attention, really looking at the shapes and proportions, and not relying on what we think we know. We’d all recognise an acorn, or a conker, but if we then had to draw one, how realistic would it look? I also find it is worthwhile thinking about how I might translate these shapes into my designs, as it helps me concentrate on what I might need to know. But don’t let this hijack your inspiration. Just because you can’t think how you might use the shape now, doesn’t mean an idea won’t come to you later.
You can see how I’ve used this inspiration in my Autumn Leaf Necklace. Click on the picture to head to the video tutorial.
3. Light
This might be more difficult to translate into designs, but bear with me! One of the advantages of heading out in the early morning is the quality of light that you get. Take note of how shafts of light travel through the thinning tree canopy, or through mist. Look at how it bounces off surfaces, bringing out the dimensions and texture. This may well be of use in considering new textures in your designs, and perhaps in creating softer finishes such as brushed or satin finishes.
4. Surprises
Stay open to what you might find and be inspired by – you never know what you’re gonna get! This morning I came across I fairly large and intricate spider’s web, sparkling away as the sun reflected off the dew on each strand. I’ve yet to use that in a design, but it was truly beautiful. You could find yourself inspired by sounds, or smells, or even the temperature! There are no rules here!

So before you get the jumpers out and prepare for winter hibernation, take a moment to enjoy the season and soak up the inspiration that Autumn provides.