Spring Inspiration

Spring always feels like a season full of promise.  I admit that the warmer, longer days make me feel happier, but they also encourage nature to wake from it’s winter slumber, with the trees bursting into leaf and the first flowers blossoming.


Traditionally this is also a time for Spring cleaning. In spite of the chores, there is something highly satisfying about getting things straight and starting anew.  We can bring this into our creativity too – dusting off the cobwebs and starting new projects. Is there a new technique or medium you’ve been wanting to try? Now is the perfect time to give it a go!
I thought I’d celebrate the season by making a pendant of one of its iconic flowers – the daffodil! Check out how in my video.
And if you want to follow along and make your own daffodil, you can copy this template
Whatever new projects you’re taking on, gather some Spring inspiration and have a great season!